Step On The Box

Avoiding care because of fear

We are looking for:
Students in Psychology, Health, Behavioural change, Medical

6 available
Registration deadline
18 Nov 2023
23 Nov 2023
P. Debyelaan 25, 6229 HX Maastricht, Netherlands, Onsite
1. Description of the challenge

In the context of healthcare, the feeling of 'fear' is very common and this fear manifests itself in various ways.
With this challenge we want to focus specifically on the fear that exists among patients that results into someone not seeking care when it is necessary.

For this we have a number of sub-questions:

  1. Which forms of fear lead to care avoidance?
  2. How does this fear affect a person? (consider the consequences and effect on a person's behavior)
  3. How does this fear lead to care avoidance?
  4. Are there ways to reduce or even prevent this anxiety?

We focus on healthy, average (young) adults to gain a good insight into what this fear is and what the consequences are.

Currently, there are many no-shows or people avoiding the hospital and the healthcare sector in general out of fear. As a result, these people do not receive good or not the correct care that is needed, with all possible consequences.

2. Expected outcome

Insight into influenceable factors that contribute to anxiety reduction in healthcare and possible solutions (directions).

About MUMC+

Maastricht University Medical Centre+ is a partnership between Maastricht University Hospital and Maastricht University's Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences. We distinguish ourselves nationally and internationally by focusing not only on restoring people to good health but also on helping them stay healthy and improve their health. In addition to tertiary referral care and top clinical patient care, our core tasks are research, education and training, and valorisation. Maastricht UMC+ also provides basic healthcare services for the city of Maastricht and environs. This means that, in cooperation with our network partners, we are uniquely equipped to deliver healthcare services from baseline to tertiary level and thus offer precisely the right care where it is needed, but also to investigate the effects of new healthcare models. In our teaching, we take a multidisciplinary and problem-based approach that uses case histories to impart knowledge. Our mission: Providing the best possible care and improving health in the region by integrating patient care, research, and education.