Step On The Box


Van Diemenstraat 118
1013 CN Amsterdam

SDG-Challenge is a challenge, where students team up with business partners to work together on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. These goals have been set up to combat climate change and inequalities. With this project, we aim to inspire companies and students to work more sustainably. The mission of the SDG-Challenge is to connect and mobilize students and organisations to work together on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). These goals are set to combat climate change and to reduce the inequalities in the world.

SDG-Challenge Autumn 2024

Sign up here to become a part of the SDG-Challenges of autumn 2024! We will post all challenges soon. Keep an eye out on our website! Kick off event: 1/10/2024

  • All students interested in joining an SDG-Challenge!

  • Hybrid
  • 30 Sep 2024
Deadline registration 15 Sep 2024
Apply now
Joris van Santen

Joris van Santen
