Step On The Box

Utrechtseweg 310
6812 AR Arnhem
Next time you turn on the lights, take a moment to think about where that power comes from. In the Netherlands and Germany, it was very likely brought to you by us, TenneT. We own and operate over 25,000 kilometres of high-voltage lines and cables. As the Transmission System Operator (TSO) for the Netherlands, and a significant part of Germany, TenneT owns and operates over 25,000 kilometres of high-voltage lines and cables. We deliver electricity to 43 million domestic and business users, safely and reliably, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. With over 7,400 employees in two countries, we are driven by our mission to ensure the lights stay on and that power is available, at the flick of a switch, whenever and wherever you need it. To do this, we design, build, maintain and operate a high-voltage grid stretching across land and sea. This carries electricity from where it is made – including a rapidly increasing proportion of wind and solar energy – to where it is used. We carry it over ground, underground, under the sea and across borders, over our rapidly expanding high-voltage grid. With a service level as high as 99.99963 %, we are one of the best in the world at our job.

Reducing Emissions in Energy Infrastructure (Hackathon: advanced technology & industrial innovation)

How to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions of operations buildings of extra-high voltage (EHV) substations over the entire life cycle?

  • Students in the field of Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Sustainability Science, Materials science and Engineering.

  • Onsite
  • 17 Oct 2024
Deadline registration 16 Oct 2024
Apply now