Step On The Box

Papendorpseweg 101
3528 BJ Utrecht
Rijkswaterstaat is the executive organization of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and works daily to ensure a safe, liveable and accessible Netherlands. We want to live in a country that is protected from flooding. A country with sufficient greenery and sufficient, clean water. And where we can get from A to B quickly and safely. The people of Rijkswaterstaat are committed to this every day. With more than 200 years of knowledge of the organization of our country, they know that this is more than the technical implementation of projects on road and water. It is also about the balance between all those interests: the economy, the environment, the enjoyment of living. Rijkswaterstaat therefore involves citizens in the design of their living environment and collaborates with, for example, water boards, municipalities, companies and knowledge institutes. In this way we work together on sustainable solutions for a safe, liveable and accessible Netherlands.

Red Crosses: Not for Nothing!

Red cross negation and devaluation, will you help us fix this?

  • Students in all sectors are welcome

  • Utrecht, Netherlands, Onsite
  • 14 Feb 2023
Registration closed
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